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Saturday, March 22, 2008
x` 4:27 PM -
hahaz.haven blog for a very long time.lolz.ok lately quite busy wif my sch de activity.lolz.den nid to plan for the junior thing again!T-T....lolz.
went to advanture camp wif erchin,jingrong and kenneth.quite tiring lah especially in d cemetry.v hot.cos not alot of trees there.lolz.erm but over all quite ok lah.lolz.
den sch quite bored.keep sleeping.lolz.den bought a deck frm daniel and almost play dai di everyday.lolz.haiz.TIRED!!


Saturday, February 23, 2008
x` 8:38 PM -
ye! survive through the 7 hours of kayaking.lolz.got a little sun burn on my face and leg *ouch!*. but still ok lah the whole thing. 1st we report at 7.30am lyk tat then we start travalling to there by bus and reach there around 8.30am. the 1st thing we do is carry 19 kayak on our shoulder to the trainning pool, den we do the capsize drill. we are suppose to kayak to a distance and capsize ourselves. summore we must make ourselve opposite in the water 1st den tap 3 times on the exposing part b4 we can take our paddle and get out of the water. damn scary lah the 1st time 1 do.lolz.den 1st time fail cos come up that time nv take paddle with me so mus do the second time.lolz.ya aft the 1st time the thingy bcome easy liao. damn fun. lolz. after that we do alot of strokes teaching lyk front stroke, back stroke, 360 degree stroke to turn around, drift, side stroke and last 1 i forgot le.lolz.btw the kayak is single kayak, so easier control.lolz.den we 12.3opm rest and go eat for an hour b4 comming back kayak again until 4pm i think.den we carry the kayak back again!!lolz.now shoulder pain n sxun burn.tmr still mus do the rescue thingy.lolz. Star 1 so difficult, mus always capsize.lolz.


Sunday, February 17, 2008
x` 11:07 PM -
hihi.lolz.so bored.busy wif junior stuff.lolz.ok everyday nid to do planning for junior and camp.lolz.busy now.lolz.gtg.bb=)


Friday, January 25, 2008
x` 8:30 PM -
haiz.my week v bad....monday got tuition.tuesday got chinese study n tuition.wednesday free sometimes.thursday got drill.friday morning got morning run n junior parade.saturday parade n sunday got tuition...sianed.
oh ya monday to wed got sec 3 camp.damn nice.lolz.

woke up at 5.30am, check my bag 1 last time den went to sch.find rahul n bought 2 pe shorts.erm den went to assembly n read "alive".dun understand sia.lolz.den go hall to have briefing den bag check.lolz.so not bb.v slack.erm den take bus to changi to kayak.1st kayak partner is chee heng.2 right arm strong den we keep out of track.lolz.v difficult to kayak.den on our half way of d journey we capsize twice.lolz.erm den by the time reach ther already lyk duno wat time liao.lolz.aft eat lunch den we pair again lor cos the girls all no strenght liao den bo bian nid to pair wif them.lolz.den i pair wif zhi xuan n bryan pair wif jodi.walao they pang seh lor say kayak together den they kayak away themselves.erm then we carry n tidy up stuff n den change to dry clothe.lolz.take bus to moe daisy farm to stay.erm actually stay at 3a 1 den change to 2b n stay wif bryan they all.erm i tink d 1st thing we do is eat dinner.den forgot do what liao.

2nd day woke up at 6am den eat breakfast den to d absielling n CRC.aft tat we eat lunch n do d treking.hahaz.help take care hsin yu cos she cannot do too hard de work.aft tat go back camp site n rest.aft tat c how mr kang kill frogs n eels.erm den cook dinner den camp fire den slp.

morning trainning.carry do really v little statics den take back walk some distance den go bck.so lame lah.not hard at all lor only on d way nid to do some push up n carry back above head.erm den go bck eat breakfast, den prise presentation, won d Mr.helpful, huh??, den fill in some form den go bck sch.an d way talk alot.lolz.den take pic.lolz.

i damn extra lah lyin down ther.lolz.


Wednesday, January 9, 2008
x` 8:03 PM -
my 1st blog in 2008.lolz.haiz.nv rest for 2 weeks.haiz.damn tired.1st day of sch got training,den 2nd day got morning training and drill.den sat got parade den drill,sunday got rest i think.den monday got duno wat den stay 2 6pm+++,den yesterday got training again n 2day got drill.......sianded.lolz.tmr bb day nid wear full-u whole day.T-T..........


Tuesday, December 25, 2007
x` 10:17 PM -
MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
erm 2day went eat roti prata.3 egg n 1 no egg.den reach home slp for a while n den go sentosa.sianz.oh ya met zhong wei.erm v sianz ther.entertain uncles and aunties.haiz.......
saw a special sight.

god came down from heaven.lolz.

saw the songs of sea de perform.lolz.


Thursday, December 20, 2007
x` 8:37 PM -
ok its about a week since i blog.current state: rodding.ok mayb not so fast but almost ther.lolz.erm tues got training again n do d same thing onli hsin wei came today n we do d staircase de training.erm den me n joseph n yip han went home together den do my a-math homework.erm den yesterday went to the bb day drill selection den sway sway got selected.haiz.erm den saw yun yi outside school.erm cant really recognise her cos she look quite mature from d bck view n taller.hahaz.den when eatting n went home n play com again.lolz.
today went to sing post to buy stuff.bought alot of batt.oso duno for wat.lolz.den went to my 1st uncle house for christmas celerbration.erm fun.lolz.watch transformers ther.still v nice.lolz.erm den we eat n communicate wif my small cousin.erm nt v small lah cos smallest is pri 5.bt feel got a little dai gou.lolz.erm den got gifts exchange.feel awkward cos wat we give is quite childish lah den all they give 1 is v ex......ya lolz.den went home.lolz.today must slp early cos tmr stil got aq training.sianz......


about me

`x-*Eric tan*.
`x-*officially 15*.
`x-*obviously male*.

`x- Ichigo.
`x- *chocolate=)*
`x- *Play*
`x- *slack*

`x- *backstabber*
`x- *medicine*
leave a note


Y''An Juan
Y''Ang Heng Lee
Y''Barry Mok
Y''Ee Hui
Y''Er Chin
Y''Eugene Ho
Y''Eugene Wong
Y''Fee Jia Qi
Y''Foo Xin
Y''Fu Qi
Y''Gabriel HK
Y''Ivan Yuen
Y''Jia Hui
Y''Jing Rong
Y''Joel Li
Y''Jun Tian
Y''Kok Chun
Y''Second Sis
Y''Mandy Kee
Y''Big Sis
Y''Pei Chuan
Y''Pei Ying
Y''Ping Ling
Y''Ryan Tan
Y''Samuel HK
Y''Shi Chin
Y''Shu Ting
Y''Shuan Ng
Y''Soo Han
Y''Wei Lun(Ng)
Y''Xin Ying
Y''Yan Ying
Y''Yi Kun
Y''Yi Lin
Y''Yi Ning
Y''Yip Han
Y''Zhong Wei


; February 2007; March 2007; April 2007; May 2007; June 2007; July 2007; August 2007; September 2007; October 2007; November 2007; December 2007; January 2008; February 2008; March 2008


-*Ning; blogskin